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Experienced Product Development Leader

I am a natural problem solver and product development leader, experienced in leading teams to design, engineering, and implement high-performance hardware-software solutions. I have over 17 years of experience with teams in Europe and Asia Pacific. I am highly skilled in building mobile robots, Cobots, and SaaS solutions. I have been working in all phases of the product and engineering lifecycle, from initial business requirements, and hardware-software architecture through to prototype development, implementation, and maintenance. I am effective at working in and building teams with an emphasis on intuition, creativity, and empathy.


Coaching, managing, and providing direction for team leaders, independent contributors, and technical product managers. Focused on autonomous, agile teams that deliver timely and relevant results.


Regularly working on, and in teams involved in new tools, techniques, brand integrations, and digital disruption.


Facilitating and engaging in the use of rapid test and learn feedback cycles and the scientific method.


Working closely with product directors, user experience/interface designers/researchers, marketing, search engine optimization specialists, and retail teams to realize candidate solutions. Leveraging data science for discovery and confirmation of delivery.

Execution - efficient and effective delivery of prototypes and candidate solutions. Leading and working with peers to coordinate significant program delivery.


Working with governance teams for structured communication. Also focused on ad hoc organic contact with senior leaders (VPs, Directors, Managers, and other leaders) to create and maintain powerful relationships.

Develop roadmap, staffing needs, and supporting budget to support the business strategy and objectives develop multi-year road map balancing cost, quality, risk, and service


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কেন আপনি লিনাক্স ডেক্সটপ ব্যবহার করবেন??

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শুরু হোক পথ চলা শুরু হোক কথাবলা

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